Josh Loschen

Here are some projects I'm proud of

Thanks for checking out some of my sample projects. There are 8 projects below, the first 4 were projects I completed for the Udacity Front End Developer Nanodegree. The next 3 are projects I did to practice WPF after leaving Menards where I was a .NET developer. The last one is an Android app I made while in college. The star rating out of 5 is my rating of how proud I am of the project, which I'm defining as a combination of how much work I put into the project and my assessment of the quality of my work.

Neighborhood Map

Neighborhood Map

This was a pretty cool project for Udacity where we were supposed to provide a map of places in our neighborhood as well as use a 3rd party API. The map allows the user to filter out locations on the left. It was also the first time I had used a JS framework instead of just writing vanilla Javascript. Coming from a WPF background I was all about using DataBinding and separation of concerns in this project.

Tech Used:Knockout JS, Fetch API, Google Maps API, 4square API

Frogger Arcade Game

Frogger Arcade Game

This game is basically Frogger but with beatles instead of cars. The player has 3 lives and must get to the river 5 times to win. My initial instinct was to add a bunch of bells and whistles and new game mechanics but my experience with the feature creep making Super Duper Jumper had taught me to keep the game simple so the player can understand it.

Tech Used:Object Oriented Javascript , HTML5 canvas

Memory Game

Memory Game

This is the basic memory game that many of us played growing up, the goal is to match all 16 cards in as few turns as possible. They allowed us to get creative for the correct and incorrect animations. Whether it's WPF or CSS I can never resist going over board making cool animations.

Tech Used:JQuery, CSS animations

Pixel Art

Pixel Art

Pixel Art was a project that allows the user to create a simple design on a grid with dimensions of there choosing as well as colors of their choice. Overall it's a real simple project which is good since it was my first time using Javascript. Coming from an Object Oriented background it took me a while to understand the 'this' keyword.

Tech Used:Vanilla Javascript

WPF Adorner Flyout

WPF Adorner Flyout

This user control allows any content to be placed in a section that "Fly's Out" from a corner or side. It's flexible enough to recognize the size of it's content and do the animation correctly. Like I said in the Memory Game summary I love programming animation.

Tech Used:WPF Adorner, C#, XAML

WPF Rearranging Grid

Rearranging Grid

This User Control extends the basic WPF Grid by allowing a min width or min height where anything smaller will cause the Grid to rearrange or hide some of it's rows or columns. It's basically useful for doing the WPF version of Responsive design. If the window shrinks certain rows or columns containing less important elements can be hidden. Also if the aspect ratio becomes too skinny or wide the contents can rearrange.

Tech Used: C#, WPF, XAML

WPF Battleship AI

WPF Battleship AI

In college at UW-Stout I joined a battleship AI competition that the Computer Science club put on. I had alot of fun doing it and spent way too much time in my college career trying new battleship strategies and tweeking my AI. The AI's played thousands of games against each other so to be successful your AI couldn't use the same strategy over and over, it had to adapt to what it's opponent was doing and update it's strategy. I had so much fun that when I needed a project to work on to keep my WPF skills sharp I decided to port the Java project to WPF.

Tech Used: C#, WPF, XAML

super duper jumper

Super Duper Jumper

This Android app was an extension of a starter project from the book Beginning Android Programming. I only had 2 years of CS under my belt at the time and this was the first thing I programmed because I wanted to and not for an assignment. I added way too many concepts and everyone I’ve coerced into playing the game has been confused as to what exactly is going on. This project taught me to KISS.

Tech Used:Android(Java, Android Play Store process), Game Dev(sprites, game physices, game loop)